The heart of our life together is offering praise to God, through worship in the Anglican tradition.

Episcopal / Anglican Worship

Anglican worship is participatory: the whole community is actively involved in the service, through serving in various roles, saying prayers and responses, standing and kneeling, and singing. It’s ancient, with patterns and prayers that stretch back hundreds or even thousands of years in Christian history. It’s sacramental, which means that we often let actions and objects (like bread, wine, and water) speak louder than words. At Trinity, we also try to make worship beautiful and inclusive. Our gifted choir and musicians, our altar guild, and the cathedral building itself contribute to beautiful worship that touches all the senses, while our greeters and our members make sure to convey that every person who comes to worship is welcome in the name of Christ. Whoever you are, you are most welcome to come worship with us at Trinity. 

In-Person Worship

Sunday services at Trinity take place at 8:30 AM (Rite I/traditional language, no music) and 10:30 AM (Rite II/contemporary language, music). Holy Eucharist is celebrated each week at the altar rail or at the Communion station on the floor.

Online Worship

Online, livestreamed worship takes place every Sunday morning at 10:30 AM on YouTube live. We would love to have you there! Click below to join us and view previous worship videos.

Special Services